In order to add Xray we first need to launch our Minecraft game, it does not necessarily need to match our Xray version. Step 2 – How to Install the XRay Texture Pack in Minecraft

Guide Step 1 – How to Download the XRay Texture Pack for Minecraft Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that the availability and specific features of X-ray texture packs may vary depending on the version of Minecraft you are playing.

It is important to note that using X-ray texture packs or mods may be considered cheating and is often not allowed on multiplayer servers. It essentially provides a form of “x-ray vision” in the game. The X-ray texture pack for Minecraft is a modification that allows players to see through blocks and surfaces to reveal hidden ores, caves, and other resources. What is the Xray Texture Pack for Minecraft? We only use Xray in our local games and for research and guide making purpose, we do not recommend you use it in public servers unless the server allows it, as some people might not like the advantage that the Xray pack might provide you. In this step-by-step guide, you will learn how to download and install the Xray texture pack or also known as Xray Resource Pack for Minecraft. What will you learn with this Xray Guide for Minecraft?